Totland Studio’s is my part time photography studio in Tinton Falls NJ. I service customers in the Monmouth county area and focus on head shots and portraits for personal shots (like social media) or families. Since I do this as a part time business, I can afford to provide great pictures at a low cost to you as I learn and build my portfolio.
I started as a way to reduce the cost of some of the equipment used in this part time business. I will be reviewing the equipment I use and provide honest opinions on this website. I will also be providing links to the equipment and the price I paid for it so you can compare my review with others and decide for yourself if you want to buy it or not. I will always be honest with my reviews and you can be sure I will not be recommending any product that I don’t like or use in my shots.
The purpose of this site is to review budget photography items for the everyday or family photographer. Regular people cannot afford to spend thousands on equipment to create great images of family and friends. This website is dedicated to finding the deals and equipment needed for the beginner photographer. We know more expensive equipment will likely take better pictures but something costing maybe 90% less could be almost as good. These are the sort of items we are searching for and will review for you.
Please feel free to leave a comment on any of my articles and tell me what you think about my review. Also please feel free to like us on your social media or signup to our newsletter. Thanks you for visiting and go out and enjoy this wonderful hobby.